Carcosa Bound

New Orleans is famous for a lot of things – foremost among these is its particular expression of Voodoo.

This was one of the things that struck me about New Orleans on previous visits, and now, with a deal more supporting knowledge, I was keen to learn more about.

I'm also frequently surprised at the degree to which this, and other religions in this family, is misunderstood, misrepresented, and maligned, particularly within media.


On our first full day in New Orleans, we start with brunch and cocktails at Jeff Beachbum Berry's Latitude 29. This is one of the pilgrimage points of the modern tiki revival.

In short order, my lovely and intrepid wife and I find out why. After several cocktails, and taking a delicious and potent zombie cocktail to go (due to New Orleans' curious rule about being able to drink while walking to the next bar), we end up at a riverboat.


Beginnings are such delicate times.

What this is for:

This is a collection of personal notes, for a small audience. It will be niche.

Initially, it will be a way to share what I write about the travels my wife and I are undertaking through antique lands at the end of history (debatable) from December to February.

It will not be a standard travelogue. It will probably get weird and psycho-geographical, and likely take odd diversions down shabby alleys (metaphorical, or not), or extended exegesis on graffiti scrawled on ruins or something equally pretentious and pomo, like we used to do, back in the early 2000s when the world saw in 240p.

After this – while still being a travelogue of sorts, we will proceed to more twilight, magical and mythic waters. In all, I want to keep this experiential and real – in the most imaginal and complete sense.

I apologise in advance – there will be failed experiments, which hopefully will not be too embarrassing. The problem – as I see it, and I do not think I'm alone in this – is I've forgotten how to write as myself, though I've certainly enjoyed writing as and for others.

So – no guarantees, best endeavours and all the rest – though, throughout, the intent is to provide observations and insights from travels that will be at the least entertaining for you, dear reader.

If you are provoked or incited to get in contact, and don't already have my number or other means – drop me a line at

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